What role can Family Legacy Asia play in helping a successful family?

By definition a successful family has its own skills and talents, wisdom, experience and intelligence. This is very true. That is why the best role that we can play is to help a successful family make its own decisions.

We do this by helping successful families think through the question of what is the best structure and process for making their own decisions. When we help a successful family in this way we are acting as a “Process Consultant”.

If you have the right Process a family can solve many difficult problems.

We are focused on the question of what is the right Process. The exact opposite of this is to be focused on Products. Because we focus on Process, not Products, that makes us different.

A Process Consulting approach is also a very different approach from the “Expert Advisor” role that is used by trustees, lawyers and accountants.  An Expert Advisor will give you their answer but a Process Consultant helps the family reach its own answers. Click here for more information on the difference between a Process Consultant and an Expert Advisor

There is often a place for structures like trusts and holding companies. But the research shows that such structures without family governance are not effective. You can’t use a trust structure to bottle up family emotions. Click here for more information on the difference between Family Governance work and advising on the set up of a trust structure

If family governance work is about the family making their own joint decisions together, why do they need any outside help? To work on family governance, a family need to be able to suspend their own natural decision making processes. Most families find they need an outside facilitator to help them do this.

We think a lot about the best way to help successful families

Click here for more information about Our Approach when we work with successful families