The following articles and presentations cover topics ranging from succession planning, structuring for the family owned business, family governance, and the role of a family advisor, through to trust structuring, private trust companies, and the role of trust protectors.

Please click on the relevant title to view a copy of the full article.

The emerging role of the Chief Learning Officer in Family Offices

  • September 2023, The International Family Offices Journal, published by Globe Law and Business
    There is a new role starting to emerge in single and multi-family offices, which is the chief learning officer or CLO role. The CLO supports the growth of the human, intellectual, social and spiritual capital of the family members while also supporting the development of the family office executives and advisors to the family. Family learning and development includes both horizontal development (putting more liquid in the container) as well as vertical development (increasing the capacity of the container). This article articulates the 10Cs of chief learning officers.

Navigating wealth and identity issues: lessons from Asia’s high net worth families

  • August 2023, Hubbis
    It is important to develop the ownership or beneficiary role; it is important to develop collaborate skills and other skills necessary for the family to be joint owners of the family enterprise together; at the same time it is also important to help individual members in families with a significant enterprise or financial capital to know who they are, to individuate, and to integrate that financial capital into their own lives.

Family Learning is about the Future

  • July 2023
    A critical question for an enterprising family is whether the family is a learning organization and what is the capacity of the family members to learn together? This article outlines the basic tools to support family learning and provides a number of key topics to include in the family learning curriculum.

Can a trust preserve family harmony? Ten practices to improve the odds

  • March 2023, STEP Hong Kong Branch Newsletter
    A family is an emotional system. A family trust is a legal (equitable) relationship. What happens when you overlay the family emotional system with the legal relationships created by a family trust structure? Things can get more complicated requiring the family to become even more intentional about investing in positive family relationships if the goal is to sustain family harmony.

Learning to be a Learning System Enhancer

  • August 2022, The Family Firm Institute Practitioner
    This is a commentary on the FFI 2086 Society sponsored research Report: The Governance Marathon. The Report concludes that family learning and development is inseparable from family governance. It calls for advisors to family enterprises to see themselves as Learning System Enhancers. Family Learning and Development involves four different domains which are explained in the article.

Family Meetings – Theory, practice & facilitation

  • March 2021, The International Family Offices Journal, published by Globe Law and Business.
    A paper on the why, what and how of family meetings, including examples of family meeting exercises and a checklist for the role of the family meeting facilitator.

The three family constitution archetypes and a wise alternative

  • September 2019, The International Family Offices Journal, published by Globe Law and Business
    The concept of creating a formalised written family constitution has become generally accepted as representing a key best practice for family enterprises. As such we should now be at the stage where we can move past the question of “what are the benefits of developing a constitution?”, to a more detailed analysis of common family constitution ‘archetypes’ – basic models or patterns that can often be recognised.

Book review of Crazy Rich Asians

  • June 2019, The International Family Offices Journal, published by Globe Law and Business
    While Crazy Rich Asians is a fictional novel and popular movie, the book offers many serious topics of discussion that would be suitable for a family book club. This review points to the issues and can be used as a guide for a family discussion of the story. The themes raised by the story include cross cultures, fiscal unequal relationships, mental health, the integration of in laws, the impact of secrets and what it means to flourish as an individual and as a family.

Building the capacity to manage conflict in Asian families

  • December 2017, The International Family Offices Journal, published by Globe Law and Business
    Ten tools to manage family conflicts and some tips for family office executives

Starting a Family Book Club

  • April 2017, Offshore Investment Magazine
    A summary of some of the key lessons for families from the books Family Wealth, Keeping it in the Family, Family, the Compact among Generations, and Family Trusts, A Guide for Beneficiaries, Trustees, Trust Protectors and Trust Creators.

Family mission vision and values statements: the essential foundation of an effective family governance system or just another form that cannot function?

  • September 2016, The International Family Offices Journal, published by Globe Law and Business

Review of the book Family Trusts: A Guide for Beneficiaries, Trustees, Trust Protectors and Trust Creators

  • September 2016, Trusts Quarterly Review
    A review of the book Family Trusts: A Guide which was written by Hartley Goldstone, James E. Hughes Jr., and Keith Whitaker. The Guide addresses the question of how to give well through trusts and how to ensure that trusts have a positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries, by focusing on the human relationships involved.

The Family Office: The glue to keep Chinese families together

  • August 2016, An article in the FFI Practitioner by Roger King, Winnie Peng and Christian Stewart.
    Chinese families should seek to adapt the family office concept to Chinese culture.

The Evolution of the “Hub and Spoke” Model to a “Family Board” Model

  • August 2016, An article in the FFI Practitioner by Christian Stewart
    Family culture will dictate whether siblings are able to evolve into a collaborate partnership in the second generation.

Review of the book Cross Cultures: How Global Families Negotiate Change Across Generations

  • April 2016, Tharawat Magazine
    A review of the book Cross Cultures, How Global Families Negotiate Change Across Generations written by Dennis Jaffe Phd and James Grubman Phd. This is a very important new book for families in Asia where the current generation is usually of “Collective Harmony” culture yet the rising generation have often been exposed to Western Individualistic culture, giving rise to cultural differences within the family.

Now We Are Talking

  • The STEP Journal, November 2015
    Some tips on overcoming wealth creators’ reluctance to hold family meetings.

The Good Constitution

  • Offshore Investment Magazine June 2014
    This article explores the concept of a family constitution and the question of whether family constitutions need to be legally binding in order to be effective. It also explores the use of family constitutions in conjunction with family trust structures.

Preparing the Next Generation to take over the Asian Family Enterprise

  • Benchmark Magazine, May 2015
    What steps can be taken to start preparing the rising generation to take over the Asian Family Enterprise, and how can the Family Office help?

How Parents in Ultra-High Net Worth Families can help their children to Rise

  • February 2015
    A review of The Voice of the Rising Generation (Bloomberg Press) written by James E. Hughes Jr., Susan E. Massenzio and Keith Whitaker, with a particular emphasis on the lessons from the book for parents.

Organizing The Asian Family Office

  • Benchmark Magazine, September 2014
    If the goal of the family office is to help preserve family wealth for generations, then organize the family office around family human capital, intellectual capital, social capital and finally, financial capital.

The role of trusts trustees and protectors in supporting family flourishing

  • Offshore Investment Magazine, June 2014
    This article explains the new paradigm of planning for family wealth where qualitative issues are just as important as quantitative issues and explores how family trust structures can be used to help “invest” in family human capital.

The Wisdom of Elders

  • The STEP Journal, July 2014
    Family Elders are the third leg stool when establishing a family governance system.

Ten Tips for managing Family Business conflicts

  •, 2013
    A checklist to help build the capacity to effectively manage conflicts in family firms.

Family Flourishing: Giving Voice to Silent Generations

  • 2013
    Jay Hughes, Susan Massenzio and Keith Whitaker of think tank & consultancy firm, Wise Counsel Research Associates and co-authors of the book The Cycle of the Gift; Family Wealth and Wisdom (Bloomberg Press) explain how the great dream of the first generation creator of family wealth often leads to the silence of the future generations of the founder’s own family. They explain that the pathway for a family to postpone the “shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves proverb” is to help inheritors find their own voice.

Notes from the Field

  • 2013
    Jay Hughes of Wise Counsel Research Associates looks ahead and discusses his predictions for how the field of family wealth advising may change over the next twenty years. He describes changes we are already seeing in how individuals develop through-out the life cycle stages, and how the structure of the family is changing, and how these changes may impact on families of wealth and the implications for those who advise them.

Canisters, Casseroles and Context: What beneficiaries and their advisors can learn from Julia Child

  • April 2013
    Hartley Goldstone, founder of Navigating The Trustscape writes about the importance for beneficiaries of achieving trust literacy. He introduces some of the positive stories on the trustee beneficiary relationship that appear in his 2012 book Trustworthy, co-authored with Kathy Wiseman.

Heroic Journeys and the Trustee’s path: Don’t automatically refuse a beneficiary’s call to adventure

  • March 2013
    Hartley Goldstone, founder of Navigating The Trustscape provides some examples of cases where trustees were able to make thoughtful and wise decisions in the face of unorthodox distribution requests from their beneficiaries. These cases provide examples of how to build a positive trustee beneficiary relationship.

How do you Preserve the Golden Goose?

  • The STEP Journal, July 2013
    Eight lessons on how to protect the Asian Family Business from family conflict after the founder passes

Trojan Wars: Dealing with outside shareholders in Asian family firms

  • July 2013

Seven Common Faults to avoid when formulating an Asian Family Constitution

  • February 2013

Family Offices: Developing a Family Education Curriculum

  • Investments & Pensions Asia, January – February 2013

Key Questions for reviewing Family Governance Arrangements

  • The STEP Journal, July 2012
    Christian Stewart provides a checklist of fundamental questions to consider when reviewing the effectiveness of family governance arrangements.

Laying down Boundaries

  • The STEP Journal, February 2012
    It is not enough to just set up a trust or other legal structure to own and secure a family business. Business founders should ask themselves four key questions: first, what is the right legal structure?; second, what is the right governance structure?; third, what policies are needed; and fourth, what ongoing processes are needed to bring it all to life?

Creating A Safe Environment For Family Meetings

  • December 2011
    If you want to create effective family agreements and policies, you need to be able to create a Safe Environment for family members to hold discussions. Christian Stewart of Family Legacy Asia and Ian A Marsh, the principal of familydr (see talk about creating a Safe Environment for family meetings.

Are You Having Trouble Getting Agreement On Family Policies?

  • If you are having trouble getting the family to agree on the terms of family business policies this short article provides a checklist of issues to consider that might help to get the family decision making process back on track.

Why Meditation Can Help Improve Your Family Council Meetings

  • August 2011
    There is a well known example of an Indian family that created a family council and family constitution and that have adopted the ritual of meditating together as a group before family council meetings. From a family systems theory and conflict resolution perspective this is a very wise practice for a family to adopt.

Why Asian Family Businesses Should Allow Their Next Gen To Get Outside Work Experience

  • June 2011
    This is one area where Asian practice can diverge from American thinking on what is best for the family business. However there are still good reasons to give next gen outside work experience before they enter the family business as mature adults.

Creating the Asian Family Dynasty

  • November 2010
    What issues should Asian families consider when structuring a dynastic trust?

Can a Confucian Family form a Family Council? The Answer is "Yes"

  • July 2010
    This article explains what is a family council and family constitution and why they are essential tools for an Asian family that has the goal of continuing the family business (or family financial wealth) for generations. It also explains how to work around a traditional hierarchical Asian family culture.

Ownership Of The Family Business: Is It Just A Question Of Managing Shareholder Relationships?

  • April 2010
    If a family have the goal of long term business continuity, they need to define the ownership role and owners need to have a separate forum.

Looking at Creative Capitalism through the Family Business Lens

  • April 2010
    Bill Gates has coined the term Creative Capitalism calling on the for profit sector to find ways in which they can combine making money with doing good. Family businesses should provide fertile soil for Creative Capitalism, and Creative Capitalism might be good for the Family Business.

How the Asian Family Office can help with Family Governance

  • February 2010
    If a family have a goal of long term wealth preservation then it is essential for the family to have effective family governance practices. The Family Office can help the family to institute such governance practices.

Steward or Inheritor?

  • Campden FB, February 2010
    The differences between the belief systems and practices of Stewards and Inheritors within single Asian families and the confusion they create.

Family Business Succession Planning, East versus West

  • STEP Journal, January 2010

Will they follow the rules?

  • October 2009
    When a family start to work together to form a family council the question usually comes up "will family members really follow the rules, and what will we do if they don't?" 

Succession Planning: East vs. West

  • September 2009
    How does family business succession planning differ here in Asia when compared to US practices?

Good Advice Is Hard To Find

  • Offshore Investment Magazine, February 2009
    What makes a trusted advisor and what factors should high net worth clients in Asia consider when they look for good advice with respect to trusts and family governance?

The Role Of The Family Advisor

  • September 2008
    What are the ways in which an independent Family Advisor can help a family engage in strategic planning for the future and develop its own governance system?