“I believe that with great wealth comes great responsibility, a responsibility to give
back to society, a responsibility to see that those resources are put to work in the best
possible way to help those most in need.”
Bill Gates

“It's not a retirement, it's a reordering of my priorities.”
Bill Gates

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill

“There is more to family wealth than the financial dimension. Human capital refers to who individual family members are, and what they are called to do; intellectual capital refers to how family members learn and govern themselves; social capital denotes how family members engage with society at large; and financial capital stands for the property of the family. Families that enhance human, intellectual and social capital have a better change at growing great human beings, and continuing as a cohesive group that enjoys meeting, working, and being together for more than one generation.”
Charles W. Collier, Wealth in Families

“Regardless of the type of philanthropy a family selects, the decision to organize the family to do its philanthropic work together contains within it the same issues of governance as arise in all other joint family decisions. A philanthropy must be as carefully organized as every other entity within the family governance structure if it is to carry out, with excellence, its special role in wealth preservation and if it is to be integrated properly into the family’s overall structure. Many families use the organization of a philanthropic entity as the first step in the construction of their wealth-preservation structures, recognizing that it offers the family a mechanism for learning together about [many issues important to wealth preservation & working together]”.
James E. Hughes Jr., Family Wealth, Keeping it in the Family